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Jimmy Info
Books for Children

Jimmy Collar and His One and Only Dollar... a story of compassion, sharing, and friendship.

With his dollar in hand, little Jimmy Collar is faced with a dilemma: help his friends or buy the things he yearns for.


"Jimmy Collar wished for just one dollar imagining all that he could do. He thought out loud chest puffed proud, 'Why I could buy a toy car in blue or fifty gum drops from my favorite penny store or sugar candy canes flavors galore!"


As Jimmy Collar daydreams about the things he'll buy, his mother overhears him and grants him a dollar.


"Here is your dollar to do with what you wish.” Jimmy Collar held his dollar up in the air in pure bliss. He turned 'round and 'round and leaped for joy. 'My very own dollar! Oh boy!"


Amid Jimmy's journey to the store, he runs into three friends who need money to buy the things they need.


To give or not to give? What does Jimmy decide to do? If he considers the needs of others, there may be gifts in store- one from his mother and one from the mere joy of giving.

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Patty Pumpernickel is Really Quite Fickle...

a young girl fearlessly staying true to herself.

Nobody’s telling Patty Pumpernickel what to do, what to wear, or how to behave.  She does what she wants, how she wants, and when she wants!


She shows up to school with her pants on her head and shoe boxes on her feet. Out on the yard she ‘bounces the rope and jumps the ball’! Her favorite color- gray! Is she seeking out ways to make herself appear ‘weird’? Who knows, and Patty Pumpernickel doesn’t really care what you think about it all...

Patty unapologetically marches to the beat of her own drum. Her friends question her motives and their patience wears thin as they judgmentally observe her quirks.  They can’t understand why she can't see how she's so different.


"'Patty Pumpernickel why are you this way?’ ‘I am who I am.’ Is all she would say."


Patty remains unbothered from beginning to end in regards to the responses from her critics.  Patty LOVES who she is and encourages you to do the same- love who you are. But will she ever get the other kids to see things her way?

Patty Info
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